Each finish technique creates a unique look, giving your cabinets that one-of-a-kind depth, color and beauty. Below is an overview of each type of finish. Read more about the processes and techniques for achieving each finish.

Burnishing creates the warm, traditional look of fine furniture. (Finish availability will vary on Maple, Cherry, Birch and Hickory.)

Highlighted Finishes
Highlighting adds depth to the color without modifying the beauty of the base stain. (Typically available on Oak, Birch, Maple, Hickory and Cherry.)

Painted Finishes
Painted finishes provide a rich, beautiful color. (Finish availability will vary on Oak and Maple.)

Painted w/ Glaze Finishes
Soft tones are presented in the recesses and corners of your painted wood, as subtle color distinctions are accentuated. (Typically available on Oak, Birch, Maple, Hickory and Cherry.)

Stained Finishes
Staining achieves a naturally rich, consistent color coverage. (Typically available on Oak, Birch, Maple, Hickory and Cherry.)

Stained w/ Glaze Finishes
Soft tones are presented in the recesses and corners of your stained wood, as subtle color distinctions are accentuated. (Typically available on Oak, Birch, Maple, Hickory and Cherry.)

Vintage Finishes
Vintage finishes create a deep, rich color, while allowing a hint of the natural wood grain to peek through. The corners and edges are over-sanded to reveal the wood’s natural beauty. (Finish availability will vary on Cherry.)